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Tattoo Infections and Symptoms: Things to Watch Out For!

Tattooing is an enjoyable adventure for many of us, but without proper care it can lead to unwanted complications. Tattoo infections are one of these complications and can have serious consequences. In this article, we will discuss what you need to know about tattoo infections and the symptoms of infection.

What is a Tattoo Infection?

A tattoo infection occurs when care instructions are not followed after getting a tattoo, or when dirty equipment is used that is a source of infection. This infection is caused by the penetration of bacteria or germs during or after the tattooing process, which damage the surface or deeper layers of the skin.

The risk of infection increases if germs enter the skin during tattooing, if unsterile needles or equipment are used, if the tattoo site is not properly cared for or if personal hygiene is neglected. Tattoo infections can range from mild and treatable to serious and life-threatening.

An infected tattoo usually presents with symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain and discharge at the tattoo site. The healing process is delayed and the person experiences discomfort. If a tattoo infection is left untreated, it can lead to more serious complications and form pus-filled pockets (abscesses) under the skin.

Tattoo infections should be taken seriously and treated. If you notice signs of infection, it is important to contact a health professional. Diagnosing the infection at an early stage and starting appropriate treatment reduces the risk of complications and helps the tattoo to heal properly. Neglected tattoo infections may require more complex and challenging treatment.

Symptoms of Tattoo Infection

Symptoms of a tattoo infection usually appear in the first days or weeks of the tattoo healing process. Here are the symptoms of a tattoo infection:

Extreme Redness and Swelling: The skin at the tattoo site can become extremely red and swollen.

Pain and Soreness: Normally mild pain may increase or worsen after a tattoo.

High Fever: If the body temperature is higher than normal (usually above 38 degrees Celsius), an infection may be present.

Pustules (inflamed blisters): Inflamed blisters or pustules may form at the tattoo site.

Foamy or Yellow Discharge: Foamy or yellow discharge from the tattoo site can be a sign of infection.

Raised Edges: If the edges of the tattoo become raised or crusted, infection should be considered.

How to Prevent Tattoo Infection?

You can take the following measures to avoid tattoo infections:

Choose a Professional Tattoo Artist: Choosing a tattoo artist who does their job well and works in accordance with hygiene rules reduces the risk of infection.

Follow Care Instructions

Follow the tattoo aftercare instructions carefully. This will help your tattoo to heal in a healthy way.

Pay Attention to Cleaning Rules

Keep the tattoo area clean and wash your hands before touching the tattoo area.

Avoid Tight Clothing

Avoid clothing that squeezes the tattoo area or causes constant friction.

Watch for Signs of Infection

Closely monitor for signs of infection after tattooing and contact a health professional if you notice any suspicious symptoms.

Tattoos can be a beautiful form of personal expression, but can result in unpleasant infections if care and hygiene rules are not followed. Careful and regular maintenance after a tattoo minimizes the risk of infection and promotes a healthy healing process. If you notice any signs of infection, do not hesitate to contact a health professional immediately.

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